Guilford Center which is situated on Guilford Creek, one and one-half miles below Guilford. It was once the seat of a flourishing academy which began in 1827. It contained two churches, one district school, a grocery store, one harness shop, a blacksmith shop, a tailor shop and a population of 61 in 1800's.
A hotel -the Angel Inn- was also located here and was a stage coach stop with a wooden angel above the building. The first merchants were Caleb Mann and Henry Smith who sold goods in the tavern of the hotel about 1809. The first postmaster was Dr. Colby Knapp who was also the first physician. The first lawyer was Daniel S. Dickinson. He was later elected NY Senator in 1836.

The Guilford Center Depot and Feed Store were built around the time the O & W Railroad started operation in 1866. The depot was called "Parker".